The cobordism hypothesis in dimension 1

Nom de l'orateur
Yonatan Harpaz (Paris)
Etablissement de l'orateur
Date et heure de l'exposé
Lieu de l'exposé
Salle Eole

The cobordism hypothesis, first formulated by Dolan an Baez in 95', asserts that if we organize the collection of all framed manifolds and framed cobordisms in dimensions 0 through n into a suitable categorical structure, they will form the free symmetric monoidal (infinity,n)-category with duals generated by a single object, namely, the point. This means, in particular, that fully extended topological field theories with value in any other (infinity,n)-category of the same nature are freely determined by the value they associate to the point. In 2009 an expository paper of Jacob Lurie paved the way to a proof of this hypothesis, but many details are still left unwritten. In this talk we will describe the hypothesis and attempt to outline the proof in the 1-dimensional case.