Chaire d'Excellence (2008-2012)

ANR LOGO This page is a diary advertising events organised thanks to the Chaire d'Excellence "Geometry and Topology via Gauge Theory" (GETOGA) awarded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

Nantes : Geometry of Kaehler Manifolds and Symplectic Geometry

A conference will be held at Nantes University from may 21st to 25th 2012 to celebrate Bogolomov's 65th birthday. See the web site for more informations.

Postdoctoral fellowships

Two more fellowships in mathematics have been created thanks to the Chaire d'Excellence GETOGA (1 year teaching free position). Congratulations to who is joining Jean Leray Laboratoire.

Nantes: Trimester on Contact and Symplectic Topology

A special trimester on Contact and Symplectic Topology will be held at Nantes University during the summer 2011. The focus of the trimester will be on

CIRM: Conference on Extremal Metrics : Evolution and Stability


A conference on extremal metrics will be held at the CIRM in Luminy, from the 7th to 12th of February 2011.

The conference will present the new developments in the study of canonical/special metrics that can be considered as uniformisers of complex geometry (like constant scalar curvature Kaehler metrics, extremal Kaehler metrics, Kaehler-Einstein metrics, Kaehler-Ricci solitons, Sasaki-Einstein metrics, Bergman metrics, balanced metrics ...). It will also reflect the diversity of analytic methods to construct such metrics (flows, continuity methods, gluing techniques, ...) and the diversity of varieties where they live (compact and non compact Kaehler manifolds, Sasaki manifods, toric manifolds, spherical manifolds, orbifolds,...). Finally, a part of the conference will be concerned with the relationship between the existence of canonical metrics and algebraic conditions coming from Geometric Invariant Theory.

Invited Professors at Laboratoire Jean Leray

Nantes: Special Trimester on Kaehler and related geometries

A special trimester on Kähler and related geometries will be held at Nantes University from september to december 2009. The topics of interest are
  • Calabi programme, Extremal, Kähler-Einstein metrics
  • Relation with stability
  • Special Holonomy
  • Sasakian geometry
  • etc..

Postdoctoral fellowships

Two fellowships in mathematics have been created thanks to the Chaire d'Excellence GETOGA (2 years teaching free positions). Congratulations to who are joining Jean Leray Laboratoire. Another one year postdoctoral position is awarded by the CNRS together with the Chaire d'Excellence. Congratulation to who is joining the Laboratoire Jean Leray from oct 2009.