Superfluidity and the spectrum of polaron Hamiltonians

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Superfluidity and the spectrum of polaron Hamiltonians

Nom de l'orateur
Jonas Lampart
Etablissement de l'orateur
Date et heure de l'exposé
21-10-2024 - 11:00:00
Lieu de l'exposé
salle des séminaires
Résumé de l'exposé

I will discuss how superfluidity manifests itself in the spectrum of the Hamiltonian for a test particle travelling through a Bose Einstein condensate. In the Bogoliubov-Fröhlich polaron model, a stable polaron with momentum P corresponds to a ground state of the Hamiltonian at fixed total momentum. I will explain a recent result in collaboration with Benjamin Hinrichs, which shows that a ground state eigenvalue exists if the momentum is less than mc, where m is the particle mass and c is the slope at zero of the dispersion relation of the Bogoliubov phonons.
