Low-dimensional topology days

Low-dimensional topology days
August 26–30, 2024, Nantes.

This year's annual meeting of the Réseau Thématique RTop Topologie algébrique et Géométrique will be held in Nantes. It will feature two 3-hour minicourses, five plenary talks, and several contributed talks, for which applications are very welcome.

Minicourse speakers:

Marco Marengon (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest)
Laura Starkston (UC Davis)

Plenary speakers:

Cristina Anghel-Palmer (University of Leeds)
Roger Casals (UC Davis)
Anne Lonjou (University of the Basque Country, Bilbao)
Filip Misev (University of Regensburg)
Hoel Queffelec (CNRS and University of Montpellier)

Schedule: to be announced.

Registration and funding: due to space limitation at the venue, we will only be able to welcome a limited number of participants. We therefore ask everyone to register here, and to wait for confirmation before making travel arrangements. The deadline for registration is June 15.

Travel information: Nantes is served by many direct train connections from Paris (and from other major cities in France). It is also served by the airport Nantes Atlantique (NTE) as well as by Paris airports.

Organisers: Marco Golla (marco.golla (at) univ-nantes.fr) and Emmanuel Wagner (wagner (at) imj-prg.fr).

Acknowledgements: the conference is supported by the Réseau Thématique RTop Topologie algébrique et Géométrique, the ANR projects CoSy and SyTriQ, the Department of mathematics Jean Leray, the Centre Henri Lebesgue, the project ALL Ambition Lebesgue Loire of the Pays de la Loire region, and the regional project Étoile Montante PSyCo.

ALL Laboratoire de mathémathiques Jean Leray CNRS Centre Henri Lebesgue