ANR project Aléatoire, Dynamique et Spectre (ADYCT)

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Meeting in Nantes - November, 8-10 2021

(financial supports: ANR ADYCT and Institut Universitaire de France)


Chaubet Yann (Université Paris Saclay)

Gayet Damien (Université Grenoble Alpes)

Lanneau Erwan (Université Grenoble Alpes)

Meddane Antoine (Université de Nantes)

Monk Laura (Bonn, Max Plack Institute)

Petri Bram (Sorbonne Université)

Vacossin Lucas (Université Paris Saclay)

Wormell Caroline (Sorbonne Université)

November, 8th.

1:00 pm: Lunch at the Restaurant Universitaire La Lombarderie

2:30-3:30 pm: Damien Gayet -- Topology of random nodal sets: a survey

3:30-4:00 pm: Coffee break

4:00-5:00 pm: Lucas Vacossin -- A spectral gap for obstacle scattering in dimension 2

November, 9th.

9:45-10:45 am: Yann Chaubet -- Counting periodic trajectories under constraints

10:45 am: Coffee break

11:30-12:30 pm: Caroline Wormell -- Applications of Chebyshev transfer operators methods

1:00 pm: Lunch at the Restaurant Universitaire La Lombarderie

2:30-3:30 pm: Antoine Meddane -- A Morse complex for Axiom A flows

3:30-4:00 pm: Coffee break

4:00-5:00 pm: Erwan Lanneau -- Diffusion rate in the wind-tree model and shape of Lyapunov exponents

8:00 pm. Conference dinner at A cantina

November, 10th.

9:45-10:45 am: Laura Monk -- Geometry and spectrum of random hyperbolic surfaces

10:45 am: Coffee break

11:30-12:30 pm: Bram Petri -- Random 3-manifolds with boundary

1:00 pm: Lunch at the Restaurant Universitaire La Lombarderie

The talks will take place in the amphithéâtre of the LS2N at the Campus Lombarderie. For the map, see here. The LS2N is located at the building 34 of this map (the math department is at the building 10). Lunch will take place at the Restaurant Universitaire Lombarderie.

Informations to get to the faculté des sciences et techniques can be found here.

Anantharaman Nalini (Strasbourg)

Arnaiz Victor (Paris Saclay)

Baladi Viviane (Sorbonne Université)

Boulanger Julien (Grenoble)

Carrand Jérôme (Sorbonne Université)

Carron Gilles (Nantes)

Chaubet Yann (Paris Saclay)

Deleporte Alix (Paris Saclay)

Faure Frédéric (Grenoble)

Gayet Damien (Grenoble)

Godard-Cadillac Ludovic (Nantes)

Golla Marco (Nantes)

Gouëzel Sébastien (Rennes)

Guedes Bonthonneau Yannick (Villetaneuse)

Guillarmou Colin (Paris Saclay)

Guillopé Laurent (Nantes)

Harakeh Mohammad (Orléans)

Helffer Bernard (Nantes)

Ingremeau Maxime (Nice)

Kim Jaelin (Sorbonne Université)

Klevtsov Semyon (Strasbourg)

Lanneau Erwan (Grenoble)

Léautaud Matthieu (Paris Saclay)

Leclerc Gaëtan (Sorbonne Université)

Ledrappier François (Sorbonne Université)

Lefeuvre Thibault (Sorbonne Université)

Le Masson Etienne (Cergy)

Letrouit Cyril (Sorbonne Université)

Meddane Antoine (Nantes)

Monk Laura (Bonn)

Pène Françoise (Brest)

Petri Bram (Sorbonne Université)

Phalempin Maxence (Brest)

Rivière Gabriel (Nantes)

Schapira Barbara (Rennes)

Schwartz Nir (Paris Saclay)

Vacossin Lucas (Paris Saclay)

Vogel Martin (Strasbourg)

Vu Ngoc San (Rennes)

Wormell Caroline (Sorbonne Université)