Adaptive low-rank wavelet methods for high-dimensional PDEs

Nom de l'orateur
Mazen Ali
Etablissement de l'orateur
Ulm University (Allemagne)
Date et heure de l'exposé
Lieu de l'exposé
salle des séminaires

Adaptive methods are well suited for approximating solutions with local singularities. Though adaptivity exploits sparsity features in pre-specified dictionaries and the resulting solutions are optimal in a sense, the "classic" adaptive approaches still scale exponentially with the dimension. Recent developments in the field of structured tensor formats and applications to high-dimensional equations suggest that certain problems can be well approximated over sparse tensor manifolds, potentially reducing the complexity in the dimension to (almost) linear.

In this talk I will introduce general notions of adaptive/non-linear approximation, specifically properties of wavelet bases and why they are well suited for adaptivity. I will discuss the basic ideas of using structured tensor formats to remedy the "curse of dimensionality". Finally, I will present some recent developments in adaptive high-dimensional approximation.