Non-loose Legendrian spheres with trivial contact homology DGA

Nom de l'orateur
Tobias Ekholm
Etablissement de l'orateur
Université d'Uppsala
Date et heure de l'exposé
Lieu de l'exposé
IHP Salle 201 (Paris)

Séminaire Nantes-Orsay de géométrie symplectique

Séminaire joint entre l'université Paris Saclay et Nantes université - Spécialisé en géometrie symplectique et de contact

Loose Legendrian n-submanifolds, n>1, were introduced by Murphy and proved to be flexible in the h-principle sense: any two loose Legendrian submanifolds that are formally Legendrian isotopic are in fact actually Legendrian isotopic. Legendrian contact homology is a Floer theoretic invariant that associates a differential graded algebra (DGA) to a Legendrian submanifold. The DGA of a loose Legendrian submanifold is trivial. We show that the converse is not true by constructing non-loose Legendrian n-spheres in standard contact (2n+1)-space, n > 1, with trivial DGA.