Efficient numerical method for boundary conditions of kinetic equations

Nom de l'orateur
Chang YANG
Etablissement de l'orateur
Lyon 1
Date et heure de l'exposé
Lieu de l'exposé
Salle Eole

In this talk we present a new algorithm based on Cartesian mesh for the numerical approximation of the kinetic models on complex geometry boundary. Due to the high dimensional property, numerical algorithms based on unstructured meshes for a complex geometry are not appropriate. Here we propose to adapt the inverse Lax-Wendroff procedure, which was recently introduced for conservation laws \cite{bibTS}, to the kinetic equations. We first apply this algorithm for Boltzmann type operators (BGK, ES-BGK models) in $1D\times 3D$ and $2D\times 3D$. Then we extend a similar method to bacterial chemotaxis models, which is a coupling problem of kinetic equation and parabolic equation. Numerical results illustrate the accuracy properties of these algorithms.
S. Tan and C.-W. Shu, Inverse Lax-Wendroff procedure for numerical boundary conditions of conservation laws, Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010), 8144--8166.