Statistical Query Complexity of Manifold Estimation

Nom de l'orateur
Eddie Aamari
Etablissement de l'orateur
Date et heure de l'exposé
Lieu de l'exposé
Salle des séminaires

The statistical query (SQ) framework consists in replacing the usual access to samples from a distribution, by the access to adversarially perturbed expected values of functions interactively chosen by the learner. This framework provides a natural estimation complexity measure, enforces robustness through adversariality, and is closely related to differential privacy. In this talk, we study the SQ complexity of estimating d-dimensional submanifolds in R^n. We propose a purely geometric algorithm called Manifold Propagation, that reduces the problem to three local geometric routines: projection, tangent space estimation, and point detection. We then provide constructions of these geometric routines in the SQ framework. Given an adversarial STAT(τ) oracle and a target precision ε=O(τ^{2/(d+1)}) for the Hausdorff distance, the resulting SQ manifold reconstruction algorithm has query complexity O(npolylog(n)τ^{d/2}), which is proved to be nearly optimal. In the process, we will present low-rank matrix completion results for SQ's and lower bounds for (randomized) SQ estimators in general metric spaces.

Travail publié dans : Adversarial Manifold Estimation ( Il combine deux champs assez indépendants : - Pour le volet "Statistical queries" : - Pour le volet "Manifold estimation" : ou bien