Stéphane Guillermou

chercheur CNRS

Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray
2, Rue de la Houssinière 44322 Nantes Cedex 3
Tel: 02 51 12 59 10


Master 2 - Nantes -- 2023/2024
Algèbre homologique et théorie des faisceaux (proche du cours de l'an passé)
notes de cours

Master 2 - Nantes -- 2022/2023
Algèbre homologique et théorie des faisceaux:
notes de cours

2016 IMJ summer school:
Symplectic topology, sheaves and mirror symmetry

2019 minicourse in CRM Montreal:
Notes of my lecture are available here

Recent publications

  • with M. Kashiwara and P. Schapira,
    Sheaf quantization of Hamiltonian isotopies and applications to non displaceability problems, 
    Duke Math. J. 161 no. 2, 201-245 (2012).
  • with P. Schapira,
    Microlocal theory of sheaves and Tamarkin's non displaceability theorem, 
    in Homological Mirror Symmetry and Tropical Geometry, Castano-Bernard et al. Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana, 15 (2014).
  • with P. Schapira,
    Construction of sheaves on the subanalytic site, 
    in S. Guillermou, G. Lebeau, A. Parusinski, P. Schapira, J.-P. Schneiders, Subanalytic sheaves and Sobolev spaces,
    Société Mathématique de France, Astérisque 383, 1-60 (2016).
  • Le problème de Riemann-Hilbert dans le cas irrégulier [d'après D'Agnolo, Kashiwara, Mochizuki, Schapira], 
    Exposé Bourbaki, Astérisque 407, p.267-296 (2019).
    available here 
  • Sheaves and symplectic geometry of cotangent bundles, 
    to appear in Astérisque - accepted April 2022.
    available here


  • with M. Abouzaid, S. Courte and T. Kragh,
    Twisted generating functions and the nearby Lagrangian conjecture, 
  • with N. Vichery,
    Viterbo's spectral bound conjecture for homogeneous spaces, 
  • with C. Viterbo,
    The singular support of sheaves is gamma-coisotropic,