Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray (LMJL), UMR CNRS 6629
Fédération Mathématique des Pays de Loire (FPL), FR CNRS 2962
Centre Henri Lebesgue (CHL) Labex ANR 2012-2019
ANR BEKAM project, 2015-2018 (ANR number ANR-15-CE40-0001).
AGENDA (selected : I'll be there to listen (L), to organize (O) or to talk (T))
December 8, 2016, Seminar (T), Orsay University September 5-10, 2016, Hamiltonian Dynamics, PDEs and Waves on the Amalfi coast (L), Maiori (Italy) June 27, 2016, Seminar (T), Cergy-Pontoise University June 13, 2016, Seminar (T), Grenoble Alpes University (Institut Fourier) May 30 - June 3, 2016, GDR EDP Summit (L), Roscoff May 11-13, 2016, First BEKAM Meeting (O), LMJL (Nantes)
(Last update : May 12, 2016)