Curriculum Vitæ
Bureau 211
Laboratoire Jean Leray
2, Rue de la Houssinière
BP 92208
F-44322 Nantes, FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0) 2 51 12 59 24
Fax: +33 (0) 2 51 12 59 21
- Y. Rollin, Polyhedral symplectic maps and hyperKähler geometry, 2021,
- Y. Rollin, Polyhedral approximation by Lagrangian and isotropic tori,
- F. Jauberteau and Y. Rollin, Polyhedral Lagrangian surfaces and moment map flow, Code attached to the paper coming up soon,
- F. Jauberteau and Y. Rollin, Numerical flows and polyhedral symplectic maps, In progress.
- F. Jauberteau, Y. Rollin and S. Tapie, Discrete geometry and isotropic surfaces, Mém. Soc. Math. Fr. (N.S.) (161):vii+101, 2019,
- E. Legendre and Y. Rollin, Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian fibrations, J. Symplectic Geom. 17(3):753-791, 2019.
- V. Apostolov and Y. Rollin, ALE scalar-flat Kähler metrics on non-compact weighted
projective spaces, Math. Ann. 367(3-4):1685-1726, 2017,
- Y. Rollin, K-stability and parabolic stability, Advances in Mathematics 285:1741-1766, 2015,
- O. Biquard and Y. Rollin, Smoothing singular extremal Kähler surfaces and minimal Lagrangians, Advances in Mathematics 285:980 - 1024, 2015,
- Y. Rollin and C. Tipler, Deformations of extremal toric manifolds, J. Geom. Anal. 24(4):1929-1958, 2014.
- Y. Rollin, S.R. Simanca and C. Tipler, Deformation of extremal metrics, complex manifolds and the
relative Futaki invariant, Math. Z. 273(1-2):547-568, 2013,
- Y. Rollin and M. Singer, Construction of Kähler surfaces with constant scalar
curvature, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 11(5):979-997, 2009, math.DG/0412405.
- O. Biquard and Y. Rollin, Wormholes in ACH Einstein manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361(4):2021-2046, 2009, math.DG/0609558.
- Y. Rollin and M. Singer, Constant scalar curvature Kähler surfaces and parabolic
polystability, J. Geom. Anal. 19(1):107-136, 2009, math.DG/0703212.
- T. Mrowka and Y. Rollin, Legendrian knots and monopoles, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 6:1-69 (electronic), 2006, math.DG/0410559, (MR).
- Y. Rollin and M. Singer, Non-minimal scalar-flat Kähler surfaces and parabolic
stability, Invent. Math. 162(2):235-270, 2005, math.DG/0404423, (MR).
- Y. Rollin, Rigidité d'Einstein du plan hyperbolique complexe, J. Reine Angew. Math. 567:175-213, 2004, math.DG/0112099, (MR).
- Y. Rollin, Surfaces kählériennes de volume fini et équations de
Seiberg-Witten, Bull. Soc. Math. France 130(3):409-456, 2002, math.DG/0106077, (MR).
- Y. Rollin, Einstein rigidity of the complex hyperbolic plane, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 334(8):671-676, 2002,, (MR).
- Y. Rollin, Métriques kählériennes de volume fini, uniformisation des surfaces complexes réglées et équations de Seiberg-Witten, PhD thesis, École Polytechnique, jan 2001,
- Y. Rollin, Topologie de contact et géométries à courbure spéciale via la théorie de jauge, mémoire d'habilitation , 2007,
- Chaire d'Excellence de l'ANR (2008-2012)
- Prime d'Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche (PEDR 2017-2021)
- Prime d'Excellence Scientifique (PES 2013-2017, PES 2009-2013)
- NSF grant DMS-0305130 (2003-2006)
See on this page
Other professional activities
- Organisateur régulier de groupes de travail.
- Responsable de l'équipe de Géométrie et analyse globale (2012-présent)
- Responsable de la communication du Laboratoire Jean Leray et de la refonte du site web (2012-présent)
- Président du comité de selection de l'Université de Nantes (poste MCF25 2012)
- Membre extérieur du comité de sélection de l'Université d'Angers (poste MCF25 2011)
- Président de Jury de bac scientifique (2011)
- Organiser of 4 international conferences and summer schools (2009-2012) with overall more than 400 participants.
- Hiring committee for 5 postdoctoral positions at Nantes University (2009-20012)
- Membre du conseil de laboratoire (2009-present)
- Membre du conseil scientifique de l'UFR (2009-present)
- Membre de la commission permanente du conseil scientifique de l'UFR (2010-present)
- Responsable de la commission des services du département (2009)
Selected talks
- Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Séminaire de géométrie: Surfaces isotropes polyédrales en géométrie symplectique, Feb 18th 2020.
- Université de Nantes, Nantes, Séminaire de géométrie: Surfaces isotropes polyédrales en géométrie symplectique, Oct 4th 2019.
- SUNY Stony-Brook, USA, Differential geometry seminar: Discrete geometry and isotropic tori, May 1st 2018.
- CIRGET UQAM, Montréal, Canada, Differential geometry seminar: Discrete geometry and isotropic tori, Feb 2nd 2018.
- UPMC, Paris, Talk: Stationary Lagrangian fibrations, Mar 5th 2016.
- University of Toulouse, Toulouse, Talk: Stationary Lagrangian fibrations, Feb 16th 2016.
- University of Paris sud, Orsay, Talk: Stationary Lagrangian fibrations, Dec 3rd 2015.
- University of Grenoble, Grenoble, Talk: Stationary Lagrangian fibrations, Oct 11th 2015.
- University of Bretagne, Brest, Talk: Stationary Lagrangian fibrations, Oct 2nd 2015.
- CIRGET-UQAM, Montréal, Talk: K-stabilité et stabilité parabolique, February 7th 2014.
- LATP, Université de Provence, Marseille, Talk: K-stabilité et stabilité parabolique, May 20th 2013.
- Institut Fourier, UJF, Grenoble, Talk: K-stabilité et stabilité parabolique, March 25th 2013.
- UBS, Vannes, Talk: Statilité des métriques extrémales suivant les déformations complexes, July 1st 2011.
- Leeds University, Leeds, Geometry Seminar: Construction of CSCK surfaces, April 28 2010.
- Lyon I University, Lyon, France, Séminaire Géométries: Noeuds legendriens et monopoles, Oct 17 2008.
- Latp, Marseille, France, Séminaire géométrie et singularités: Construction de surfaces kählériennes à courbure scalaire constante, Mar 18 2008.
- Laboratoire Dieudonné, Nice, France, Séminaire de géométrie et d'analyse: Construction de surfaces kählériennes à courbure scalaire constante, Fev 7 2008.
- Université Francois Rabelais, Tours, France, Colloquium: Construction de surfaces kählériennes à courbure scalaire constante, Jan 25 2008.
- Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, Séminaire de géométrie: Construction de surfaces kählériennes à courbure scalaire constante avec symétrie de cercle ou torique, Dec 11 2007.
- Laboratoire Jean-Leray, Nantes, France, Séminaire de géométrie: Construction de surfaces kählériennes à courbure scalaire constante, Oct 26 2007.
- Imperial College, London, UK, CSCK seminar: Construction of CSCK surfaces with circle and torus symmetry via gluing, Oct 15 2007.
- Imperial College, London, UK, CSCK seminar: Polystability => Existence of CSCK metrics, Apr 30 2007.
- Liverpool University, Liverpool, UK, Colloquium: Construction of Kähler surfaces of constant scalar curvature, Mar 2 2007.
- School of Mathematics, Edinburgh, UK, Geometry seminar: Whormholes in ACH Einstein manifolds, Feb 1 2007.
- Institut Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, Séminaire algèbre et géométries: Construction de surfaces kählériennes à courbure scalaire constante, Jan 22 2007.
- Imperial College, London, UK, Geometry and topology seminar: Wormholes in ACH Einstein manifolds, Jan 12 2007.
- DPMMS, Cambridge University, UK, Geometry seminar: "Contact structures and monopole Floer homology", Feb 22 2006.
- Mathematical Institute, Oxford University, UK, Geometry and analysis seminar: "Construction of Kähler surfaces of constant scalar curvature", Nov 21 2005.
- ULB, Bruxelles, Belgique, Seminar on symplectic and contact geometry: Legendrian knots and monopoles, Nov 7 2005.
- Brandeis university, USA, Topology seminar: "Construction of Kähler surfaces of constant scalar curvature", Mar 29 2005.
- UNM, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Colloquium: "Construction of Kähler surfaces of constant scalar curvature", Mar 2 2005.
- UCSB, Santa Barbara, California, Colloquium: "Construction of Kähler surfaces of constant scalar curvature", Feb 22 2005.
- LSU, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Colloquium: "Construction of Kähler surfaces of constant scalar curvature", Feb 16 2005.
- Montpellier University, France, Séminaire Gaston Darboux: Noeuds Legendriens et monopoles, Jan 21 2005.
- Paris VII University, France, Séminaire sur les singularités: Noeuds legendriens et monopoles (2 heures), Jan 13 2005.
- Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, Séminaire Besse: Construction de surfaces kählériennes à courbure scalaire constante, Jan 10 2005.
- IRMA, Strasbourg, France, Séminaire "GT3": Sur les surfaces kählériennes à courbure scalaire constante, Jan 3 2005.
- UQAM, Montréal, Canada, Differential geometry and topology seminar: "Legendrian knots and monopoles", Dec 11 2004.
- MIT, Cambridge, USA, Differential geometry seminar: On scalar-flat Kähler surfaces, Apr 12 2004.
- Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, Séminaire Besse: Sur les surfaces complexes à courbure scalaire nulle, Mar 23 2004.
- Princeton University, USA, Geometric analysis seminar: On scalar-flat Kähler surfaces, Mar 5 2004.
- SUNY Stony-Brook, USA, Differential geometry seminar: On scalar-flat Kähler surfaces, Dec 9 2003.
- Boston University, USA, Differential geometry seminar: Legendrian knots and monopoles, Oct 14 2003.
- IRMA, Strasbourg, France, Differential geometry seminar: Noeuds legendriens et monopoles, Aug 2003.
- MIT, Cambridge, USA, Differential geometry seminar: Legendrian knots and monopoles, May 12 2003.
- Harvard, Cambridge, USA, Gauge theory seminar: Legendrian knots and monopoles, Oct 4 2002.
- Hull University, UK, Yorkshire differential geometry seminar: Einstein rigidity of the complex hyperbolic plane, Jun 14 2002.
- Mathematical Institute, Oxford, UK, Geometry and analysis seminar: Einstein rigidity of the complex hyperbolic plane
and Seiberg-Witten theory, Apr 29 2002.
- Durham University, UK, Geometry seminar: Einstein rigidity of the complex hyperbolic plane
and Seiberg-Witten theory, Mar 6 2002.
- Imperial College, London, UK, Geometry and topology seminar: Einstein rigidity of the complex hyperbolic plane
and Seiberg-Witten theory, Jan 25 2002.
- Glasgow University, UK, Talk: Kähler surfaces of finite volume and Seiberg-Witten equations, Oct 19 2001.
- Edinburgh University, UK, Talk: Kähler surfaces of finite volume and Seiberg-Witten equations, Oct 11 2001.
- Autónoma University, Madrid, Talk: Kähler surfaces of finite volume and Seiberg-Witten equations, Mar 16 2001.
- École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, Séminaire Besse: Kähler surfaces of finite volume and Seiberg-Witten equations, Feb 26 2001.
- Paris VII University, France, Talk: Kähler surfaces of finite volume and Seiberg-Witten equations, Feb 15 2001.
- Institut Élie Cartan, Nancy, France, Talk: Kähler surfaces of finite volume and Seiberg-Witten equations, Jan 30 2001.
Selected conferences
- Convex integration and paradoxical shapes, BIRS, Oaxaca, Mexico, Aug 30th-Sep 4th 2020.
- Special geometries and gauge theory, University of Bretagne, Brest, Jun 29th-Jul 4th 2020.
- Séminaire quimperiodique, University of Bretagne, Quimper, Jan 30th-Jan 31th 2020.
- Séminaire quimperiodique, University of Bretagne, Quimper, Oct 7th-Oct 8th 2019.
- Rencontre anr, University of Brest, Brest, June 24th-June 26th 2019.
- Kähler and special toric geometry, King's College, London, May 20th-May 22nd 2019.
- Séminaire quimperiodique, University of Bretagne, Quimper, May 16th-May 17th 2019.
- Séminaire quimperiodique, University of Bretagne, Quimper, Jan 30th-Feb 1st 2019.
- Séminaire quimperiodique, University of Bretagne, Quimper, Nov 15th-Nov 16th 2018.
- Shanks workshop on complex differential geometry, Talk: Discrete geometry and isotropic tori, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, Mar 2nd-Mar 3rd 2018.
- EMARKS ANR workshop, Conference center of Anogia, Anogia Crete, June 27th-July 1st 2016.
- Séminaire quimperiodique, University of Bretagne, Quimper, Apr 28th-Apr 29th 2016.
- EMARKS ANR meeting, Toulouse University, Toulouse, Feb 17th-Feb 19th 2016.
- Séminaire quimperiodique, University of Bretagne, Quimper, Jan 28th-Jan 29th 2016.
- Séminaire quimperiodique, University of Bretagne, Quimper, Nov 19th-Nov 20th 2015.
- Trends in modern geometry - pacific rim complex geometry conference, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, July 27th- 31st 2015.
- EMARKS ANR workshop, Bath University, Bath, July 13th-July 17th 2015.
- Séminaire quimperiodique, University of Brest, Quimper, April 2nd-April 3rd 2015.
- Real and complex differential geometry, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, September 8th-September 12th 2014.
- Complex geometry and algebraic geometry, BICMR, Beijing University, Beijing, China, July 14th-July 18th 2014.
- Ricci curvature: limit spaces and Kaehler geometry, ICMS, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 8th-July 12th 2013.
- Differentialgeometrie im großen, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany, June 30th-July 6th 2013.
- Séminaire geometric CORP, Université de Tours, Domaine de Seillac, France, June 13th-June 14th 2013.
- Moduli spaces, extremality and global invariants, CRM, Montréal, Canada, May 26th-June 1st 2013.
- Journée ANR ACG, Jussieu, Paris, France, February 15th-February 15th 2013.
- Recent deveolopments in Kaehler geometry, IHP, Paris, France, December 9th-December 14th 2012.
- ANR MACK5 meeting, Deformation of singular complex surfaces, extremal metrics and stationary Lagrangians, Ecole Francaise de Rome, Rome, Italy, November 5th-November 9th 2012.
- 7th pacific rim complex geometry conference, Deformation of complex surfaces, extremal metrics and minimal Lagrangians, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, August 6th-August 10th 2012.
- Geometric structures on complex manifolds, Statility of extremal metrics under complex deformations, Bogomolov institute, Moscow, Russia, October 3rd-October 7th 2011.
- Complex geometry and symplectic geometry conference, Statility of extremal metrics under complex deformations, USTC, Hefei, China, August 15-August 20 2011.
- Analytic aspects of complex algebraic geometry, CIRM, Luminy, France, Fev 14-Fev 19 2011.
- Conference on extremal Kähler metrics : evolution and stability, CIRM, Luminy, France, Fev 7-Fev 12 2011.
- Workshop on geometric analysis, Mini lectures on Kähler geometry, Station biologique de Roscoff, Roscoff, France, Oct 18-Oct 22 2010.
- Géométrie des variétés complexes IV, CIRM, Luminy, France, Oct 25-Oct 29 2010.
- Ricci curvature and Ricci flow, IHP, Paris, France, Apr 14-June 30 2008.
- Journées nancéiennes de géométrie, Construction de surfaces kählériennes à courbure scalaire constante, IECN, Nancy, France, Jan 22-Jan 23 2008.
- Variétés d'Einstein aujourd'hui et demain, Construction of CSCK surfaces with circle and torus symmetry via gluing, CIRM, Luminy, France, Nov 26-Nov 30 2007.
- Rencontres d'analyse et géométrie complexes, CIRM, Luminy, France, Sep 24-Sep 28 2007.
- Differentialgeometrie im grossen, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Jul 1-Jul 7 2007.
- Géométrie et EDP, Talk: Wormholes in ACH Einstein manifolds, CIRM, Luminy, France, Jun 18-Jun 22 2007.
- Asymptotic structures in geometric analysis, Talk: Wormholes in ACH Einstein manifolds, Stanford University, USA, Mar 16-Mar 18 2007.
- Géométrie des variétés complexes II, Talk: Wormholes in ACH Einstein manifolds, CIRM, Luminy, France, Oct 16-Oct 20 2006.
- Pacific rim complex geometry conference, Talk: Kähler metrics of constant scalar curvature and parabolic stability, University of science and technology of China, Hefei and Huang Shan, China, Aug 1-Aug 7 2006.
- Workshop on extremal Kähler metrics and stability, ICMS, Edinburgh, Scotland, Jul 17-Jul 21 2006.
- Workshop on low dimensional topology, IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute, Park City, Utah, USA, Jun 25-July 15 2006.
- Workshop on 3-manifolds after Perelman, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, Mar 13-Mar 17 2006.
- Workshop on knots, contact structures and foliations, Talk:"Contact invariants and monopole Floer homology", Renyi Institute, Budapest, Hungary, Nov 17-Nov 20 2005.
- Géométrie et singularités, CIRM, Luminy, France, Sep 12-Sep 16 2005.
- Differentialgeometrie im großen, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany, Aug 7-Aug 13 2005.
- Summer school on Ricci flow, Clay Mathematics Institute, Berkley, USA, Jul 10-Jul 15 2005.
- Summer school on symplectic topology, Talk: monopoles and contact structures, KIAS, Muju, Korea, Jul 4-Jul 8 2005.
- Colloque de la topologie à la géométrie symplectique, Nantes University, France, Jun 8-Jun 10 2005.
- Workshop in differential geometry and topology, 2 talks:"Contact geometry and monopoles", CRM Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa, Italy, Oct 7-Oct 8 2004.
- Short program on Riemannian geometry, Talk:"On scalar-flat Kähler surfaces", CRM, Montréal University, Montréal, Canada, Jun 28-Jul 16 2004.
- Workshop: perspectives in differential geometry, Talk: Legendrian knots and monopoles, BIRS, Banff, Canada, Jul 12-Jul 17 2003.
- EDGE summer school, University of Edinburgh, UK, Jul 23-Jul 27 2002.
- Workshop on geometry of low dimensional manifolds and special geometries, Talk: Einstein rigidity of the complex hyperbolic plane, CIRM, Luminy, France, Jun 3-Jun 7 2002.
- Summer school in low dimensional topology, Banach center, Warsaw, Poland, Jul 15-Jul 27 2001.
- Workshop on new interfaces between geometry and physics, UAM, Miraflores de la sierra, Spain, May 31-Jun 6 2001.
Short visits
- Détachement: Centre de Recherches en Mathématiques de Montréal UMI CRM, CIRGET-UQAM, Montréal, Sep 1st-Sep 1st 2013-2014.
- Visiting Edinburgh University, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Jan 1st-Jul 22 2010.
- Visiting IHES, IHES, Paris, May 25-Jul 25 2009.
- Visiting Olivier Biquard, IRMA, Strasbourg, France, Apr 23-Apr 28 2007.
- Visiting Tom Mrowka, MIT, Cambridge, USA, Mar 5-Mar 15 2007.
- Visiting Santigo Simanca, IHES, Paris, Nov 20-Nov 23 2006.
- Visiting Tom Mrowka, MIT, Cambridge, USA, Sep 18-Oct 5 2006.
- Visiting USTC, Lectures on Kähler geometry (6 hours), University of science and technology of China, Hefei, China, Jul 24-Jul 31 2006.
- Visiting Tom Mrowka, MIT, Cambridge, USA, Dec 12-Dec 23 2005.
- Visiting Tom Mrowka, IAS, Princeton, USA, June 5-June 9 2004.
- Visiting Tom Mrowka, IAS, Princeton, USA, May 12-May 15 2004.
- Visiting Olivier Biquard, IRMA, Strasbourg, France, Aug 3-Aug 8 2003.
- Visiting student, Independent Univeristy of Moscow, Russia, June 1996.
French (native speaker),
English (fluent),